Today Josh Frydenberg has delivered yet another speech that is long on finger pointing and short of a plan.
Just telling businesses to invest more is not an economic policy.
This is a Treasurer who is always more interested in apportioning blame than doing his job.
Productivity has gone backwards every quarter he’s been the Treasurer.
He claims his policy settings are right but so far his approach has been a recipe for the slowest growth in the ten years since the Global Financial Crisis, weak business investment, declining productivity growth, stagnant wages and declining living standards.
This is what happens when a Government has a political strategy, but not an economic policy or plan.
If the Treasurer spent as much time coming up with a plan to turn the economy around as he spends pointing the finger, Australians would all be better off.
These weaknesses in our domestic economy were obvious well before the trade tensions between the US and China flared up.
Having no plan to turn the domestic economy around means the Morrison Government is leaving Australia dangerously exposed to volatility in the global economy.
Another Day, Another Speech - But No Plan in Sight
26 August 2019
Today Josh Frydenberg has delivered yet another speech that is long on finger pointing and short of a plan.