Debt to the nation: Robert reminds us why he was brought back to frontbench

27 September 2018

The new Assistant Treasurer has added to the same old confusion and chaos in the Liberal Party when it comes to policy and Budget matters, confusing debt and deficit in an interview on Sky News AM Agenda this morning.
Without prompting, Stuart Robert decided to recite what he thought were Final Budget Outcome figures:
“We saw a great result reflecting on the 17-18 financial year, literally a $19.3 billion turnaround, to the lowest debt in ten years at $10.1 billion.”

  1. According to the FBO released on Monday, net debt is at $342 billion having doubled under the Liberals.
  2. Gross debt is at record highs, well above half-a-trillion dollars.

Mr Robert went on to deliver a tremendous backhand to Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey, Malcolm Turnbull and then Treasurer Scott Morrison, stating that this is the:
First Government in 10 years, this Government, to work sensibly to balance the books…”
No amount of gaffes or unintentional slap downs can paper over the Liberal’s record high gross debt despite its agenda of cuts to schools, hospitals and the pension.
Keep going Stuart Robert, you’re a true asset to the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Government.