Labor welcomes the decision of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal (VCAT) today in the case of Ella Ingram v QBE Insurance.
Ella Ingram was refused a claim for a school trip to the United States worth $4292.48 based on the blanket exclusion that she had a mental illness.
Today the VCAT found in favour of Miss Ingram and determined that she had been unfairly discriminated against by the company under their policy.
Last month Labor wrote to insurers and mental health organisations inviting them to attend a roundtable to discuss the issues raised in this case and to examine the issues of mental health conditions and insurance cover more broadly.
Mental illness affects one in five Australians every year and it is important to make sure our insurance industry is operating fairly for more Australians.
It is expected that this roundtable will be held in February 2016.
We acknowledge the efforts and determination that Ella, her family and legal teams have gone to in seeking this outcome.