Moreton-Rankin Unity Cup 28/11/18

28 November 2018

DR CHALMERS (Rankin) (15:22):It was the last delivery of the day, the light was low, my bowling was, as always, slow and predictable and the member for Moreton was facing me. He spooned up this little dolly of a catch and I, of course, didn't hold onto it! It was the last delivery of the Moreton-Rankin Unity Shield, the fifth time that the member for Moreton and I have hosted this important game between the mosques in our local communities and an important opportunity to build understanding between our communities and within our communities.

I think I dropped that last ball of the day because I was thinking about how I might explain it to the House. I had already started thinking about what I might say. Instead, I'm here to tell you that the member for Moreton's team was victorious again. They comprehensively beat the Rankin team. I congratulate him and his teammates. They've taken a 3-2 lead in the series—a well-deserved 3-2 lead, with a comprehensive win, as I said.

It's a very enjoyable day, but it's an enjoyable day with a deeper message about unity. It's about rejecting fear and division, and building understanding. It works because of the effort put in by our teams and by our co-captains, Ahsan Assadi and Ali Kadri. And, if I may say so, it also works because of the spirit that the member for Moreton brings to the contest every year. It's a real honour to play each year at the beginning of summer—it's the key contest of the summer in cricket! I want to congratulate him and thank him for working with me on such an important cause.