Media Releases
Economic And Budget Bounce Despite The Government, Not Because Of It
03 May 2021
In its latest Budget Monitor, Deloitte Access Economics highlights that growth in the economy is patchy, Budget improvements are largely due to factors beyond the Treasurer’s control, and the Morrison Government’s “vaccine schemozzle” is harming Australia’s recovery.
Deloitte: Record Low Wages Growth Set To Worsen
12 April 2021
In its latest Business Outlook, Deloitte Access Economics forecasts Australia’s recovery will be defined by even weaker wages growth and remains hostage to the vaccine rollout and withdrawal of government support.
Cutting JobKeeper Will Cut Logan Jobs
15 March 2021
In less than a fortnight Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg will cut JobKeeper for an estimated 10,324 Logan workers and 3,355 Logan businesses, ripping around $10 million a fortnight / $5 million a week from our local Logan economy.
Josh Frydenberg And JobKeeper: No Plans For Cairns
08 March 2021
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg may have arrived in Queensland but he hasn’t packed a plan to support the 8,096 workers and 2,631 businesses in Cairns and Far North Queensland who are expected to lose out when he cuts JobKeeper in just over a fortnight.
GDP Figures Cold Comfort To 2 Million Without Work Or Enough Work
03 March 2021
Today’s National Accounts confirm that while the recovery continues as restrictions ease, it remains patchy, and wages have actually gone backwards.
Wages Growth Still At Record Lows
24 February 2021
New ABS data released today has confirmed that annual wages growth remains at record lows, following years of wage stagnation under the Liberals long before the pandemic.
Greater Certainty In The News Media Bargaining Code
23 February 2021
It’s good news the Government will be amending its legislation for the News Media Bargaining Code and that, as a consequence, Facebook intends to restore Australian news pages.
More Broken Promises Leave Millions Worse Off
18 February 2021
Another day, another broken promise from Scott Morrison on superannuation.
Banking Victims Ignored As Reforms Abandoned And Delayed
04 February 2021
Two years after shocking misconduct was revealed by the Banking Royal Commission only a third of the 76 recommendations have been implemented and are in force.
RBA Expects Weak Wages To Continue
03 February 2021
When the Reserve Bank Governor has again warned that “wages growth is the lowest in decades” and this is “likely to be with us for some time”, the Morrison Government’s highest priority is to cut take-home pay for Australia’s working families.