Media Releases

Another "F" for Frydenberg on Wages Numbers
15 December 2019
The average full-time worker is $2,200 worse off today than they would be if wages had grown at the rate the Liberals and Nationals have forecast in their budgets.
Weak Economy Slows Under the Morrison Government
13 December 2019
The Morrison Government’s biggest failure this year has been on the economy.
Weak Economy Slows Under the Morrison Government
04 December 2019
The National Accounts confirm that growth has slowed in the September quarter, slowed since the election and almost halved since Josh Frydenberg became Treasurer.
RBA Decision on Interest Rates (December 2019)
03 December 2019
Today the Reserve Bank Governor confirmed “Wages growth is subdued and is expected to remain at around its current rate for some time yet”.
Australian Economy's Woes are Homegrown: Deloitte
02 December 2019
A new report highlights that the “Australian economy’s woes are homegrown” as we see “soaring profits but weakness in pretty much everything else”.
RBA: Low Wages Growth the "New Normal" Under Liberals
26 November 2019
Today the Reserve Bank has confirmed that weak wages growth under this Liberal National Government is now the “new normal”.
Retirement Income Review Consultation Paper
22 November 2019
Today the consultation paper for the Government's review of the retirement income system has been released.
OECD Calls on Morrison Government to do More to Support Weak Economy
22 November 2019
In its latest economic update, the OECD has called on the Morrison Government to support the floundering economy that it expects to grow well below the Government’s own forecasts.
Wages Growth Slows Again
13 November 2019
New data confirms that already stagnant wages growth has slowed even further since the election.
RBA Decision on Interest Rates (November 2019)
05 November 2019
Three interest rate cuts since the election have not been enough to turn around an economy which is floundering on the Liberals’ watch.