
Second Reading: JobMaker Hiring Credit

19 October 2020

An address to the Parliament of Australia on the Economic Recovery Package (JobMaker Hiring Credit) Amendment Bill 2020, Second Reading.

Opportunities Lost

14 October 2020

A post-Budget address to the National Press Club, Canberra.

Second Reading: Omnibus Tax Bill

08 October 2020

An address to the Parliament on the Treasury Laws Amendment (A Tax Plan for the COVID-19 Economic Recovery) Bill 2020 - Second Reading

MPI: The 2020 Budget

07 October 2020

An address to the Parliament on a Matter of Public Importance, the 2020 Budget.

Federation and the Future

24 September 2020

An address at the book launch for Everald Compton's Dinner with Founding Fathers

MPI: Deepest Recession in a Century

02 September 2020

An address to the Australian Parliament on this deepest recession in almost a century, and what it means for our communities and our country.  

MPI: Employment

02 September 2020

An address to the Parliament on a Matter of Public Importance, employment.

Second Reading: University Funding

01 September 2020

An address to the Parliament on the Higher Education Support Amendment (Job-Ready Graduates and Supporting Regional and Remote Students) Bill 2020

Constituency Statement: Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools

01 September 2020

An address to the Parliament about schools in my electorate, that have been recognised by the Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools.

Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Jobkeeper Payments) Amendment Bill 2020

26 August 2020

Thanks very much, Deputy Speaker, for the opportunity to make a contribution on this really important legislation, the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Jobkeeper Payments) Amendment Bill 2020, which extends the JobKeeper program beyond the original finish date, which was the end of September. I will be moving a second reading amendment in my name, which I will get to a bit later on.