Media Releases

Morrison and Frydenberg's $60 Billion JobKeeper Blunder
22 May 2020
Today the Morrison Government has been forced to admit it has again seriously stuffed-up the roll out of the JobKeeper program.
5.6 Million People Working Fewer Hours in April
21 May 2020
New Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data today provides a detailed breakdown of the challenges facing the Australian labour market.
Jobs Recovery to Six Years: Deloitte
20 May 2020
Deloitte Access Economics’ latest report highlights the dangers of Scott Morrison’s “snap back” strategy, making it clear that Australia’s economic recovery will be long, patchy, and uneven.
730,000 Payroll Jobs Lost Since Virus Outbreak
19 May 2020
New ABS data today confirms that around 730,000 payroll jobs have been lost since the outbreak of Coronavirus, including further job losses over the past two weeks.
Worst Jobs Figures on Record
14 May 2020
Today’s labour force figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) paint a terrible picture for Australians, with massive job losses and underemployment.
Stagnant Wages Growth Slowing Further Before Coronavirus
13 May 2020
New ABS data released today confirms that already-stagnant wages growth slowed to a two-year low, even before the worst of the virus outbreak and before the large-scale lockdowns began.
Prime Minister and Treasurer at Odds Over "Snapback"
12 May 2020
Today in Question Time, Scott Morrison claimed he didn’t say the economy would “snap back” after the crisis. Josh Frydenberg says he did.
Deloitte Warns Against "Snapback"
11 May 2020
Deloitte Access Economics’ latest Budget Monitor contains a sobering assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the Australian economy and budget, with unemployment forecast to remain above pre-crisis levels for years to come.
New Future Fund CEO
08 May 2020
Labor welcomes Dr Raphael Arndt’s appointment as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Future Fund Management Agency from 1 July 2020.
Reserve Bank Doesn't Expect Jobs to "Snapback"
08 May 2020
New forecasts released by the Reserve Bank today highlight the severe economic fallout from the Coronavirus, with unemployment expected to reach double digits and remain elevated for years to come.