Media Releases

Coalition Ministers Fail to Heed Warnings on Super Fraud
07 May 2020
The Government’s failure to heed warnings from Labor and the superannuation industry that there are serious flaws in their early release superannuation program has now cost people thousands of their hard-earned retirement dollars.
Josh Frydenberg Admits JobKeeper is Coming Up Short
06 May 2020
The Treasurer has been forced to concede that the Morrison Government has undershot its own JobKeeper enrolment targets by more than a million workers so far.
Big Hit to Jobs Exposes Holes in JobKeeper Program
05 May 2020
New data today confirms a massive hit to jobs before the rollout of JobKeeper payments, with the biggest job losses in industries that employ a significant number of workers excluded from the program.
Government Must Fix JobKeeper Loophole to Support Thousands of Australian Aviation Workers
04 May 2020
Labor urges the Morrison Government to fix a rule in its JobKeeper program that excludes thousands of Australian workers employed in the aviation sector.
Labor Welcomes Start of JobKeeper - But It's Not Too Late to Make it Better
01 May 2020
Labor welcomes the commencement of the JobKeeper wage subsidy but again calls on the Morrison Government to make the simple changes required to keep more Australians in work and out of the unemployment queues.
This Crisis Shouldn't be an Excuse for More Attacks on Super
21 April 2020
We read today about another sneaky attack on superannuation as Josh Frydenberg asks the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to monitor and if necessary insist on changes to fund material designed to inform members of the cost of reducing their balances.
ABS Figures Confirm Job Losses and Hit to Incomes
21 April 2020
Today’s Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia release by the ABS has highlighted the profound impact this Coronavirus outbreak is having on workers across the economy.
RBA Not Expecting Employment to "Snapback"
21 April 2020
Today’s update by the Reserve Bank highlights the profound impact of the virus on the economy and workers, with the unemployment rate expected to hit double digits and remain elevated for some time.
Labor Welcomes Mandatory News Media Code
20 April 2020
Labor welcomes the announcement that the ACCC will move to impose a mandatory code of conduct to govern commercial dealings between digital platforms and news media companies.
Treasurer's False Claims Rebuffed by International Monetary Fund
16 April 2020
The Treasurer’s claims that the International Monetary Fund’s confronting forecasts for the Australian economy don’t take into account the legislated JobKeeper wage subsidies were false.