Media Releases

RBA: Wage Stagnation is Slowing the Economy
24 September 2019
RBA Governor Philip Lowe’s comments overnight have pointed out what Australians already know and what the Government doesn’t understand – that stagnant wages are slowing the economy.
OECD Slashes Australia's Economic Growth Outlook
21 September 2019
In its latest economic update, the OECD has slashed Australia’s economic growth forecasts for this year and next.
2018-2019 Final Budget Outcome
19 September 2019
The defining feature of the 2018-19 Final Budget Outcome is a $4.6 billion underspend in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Wages Growth Stalled: RBA
19 September 2019
Minutes released by the RBA Board today have confirmed that Australian wages remain stagnant, consumption is weak, and this has contributed to the slowest growth since the GFC on the Liberals’ watch.
Weakest Economy Since the GFC
04 September 2019
Today’s National Accounts show that annual growth is weak and getting weaker, yet the Morrison Government still doesn’t have a plan to turn things around.
Interest Rate Decision (September 2019)
03 September 2019
Record low interest rates are not enough to turn around an economy which is floundering on the Liberals’ watch.
More Excuses from the Liberals on the Economy
02 September 2019
When it comes to blame-shifting and finger-pointing these latest excuses for economic mismanagement are a new low even for the Liberals.
New Data Shows Business Investment Going Backwards Under Liberals
29 August 2019
Today’s news that capital expenditure has gone backwards is further proof of an economy which is floundering on the Morrison Government’s watch.
Treasurer's "Policy Settings" a Recipe for Slowing Growth
27 August 2019
Josh Frydenberg’s latest finger-pointing foray is falling down around him as more and more people realise that telling business to invest more is not an economic plan.
Another Day, Another Speech - But No Plan in Sight
26 August 2019
Today Josh Frydenberg has delivered yet another speech that is long on finger pointing and short of a plan.