Media Releases

Morrison Must Rule Out Cut to Workers' Superannuation
11 July 2019
Scott Morrison must rule out calls from his backbenchers to hurt workers saving for a comfortable retirement by cutting their superannuation.
Income Tax Cuts
04 July 2019
Labor’s highest priority throughout this tax cut debate has been to get more money into the hands of more workers, sooner, to boost an economy which is floundering under the Liberals.
Liberals Vote Against Tax Cuts for Every Worker This Term
02 July 2019
The so-called “party of lower taxes” has just voted against tax relief for every Australian worker in this term of Parliament.
Rate Cut Bolsters Case for Labor's Tax Changes
02 July 2019
Today's interest rate cut bolsters the case for Labor’s tax cut proposal to get more money into workers’ hands sooner, to help the Reserve Bank boost the floundering economy.
Tax Package Figures from Parliamentary Budget Office
28 June 2019
Parliamentary Budget Office information revealed today shows $35 billion of the unlegislated tax package and $91 billion of the total tax package over the period to 2029-30 goes to people earning over $180,000.
Labor Proposes Fast-Tracked Tax Cuts and Infrastructure Investment to Boost Economy
24 June 2019
Labor is today proposing a solution on the Government’s income tax package which would bring forward planned tax cuts and infrastructure investment to boost the floundering Australian economy.
Liberals' Economic Credibility in Tatters
05 June 2019
Today’s National Accounts are a hammer blow to the Liberals’ economic credibility.
Prime Minister Knew He'd Break Tax Cut Promise
04 June 2019
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been caught red-handed lying to voters about his election promise to deliver tax cuts for low and middle-income earners on July 1.
Appointment as Shadow Treasurer
02 June 2019
I’m pleased to be the new Shadow Treasurer in Labor’s very strong frontbench team and I’m grateful to Anthony Albanese for the opportunity to serve in this key role.
Labor Leadership
23 May 2019
I won’t be putting my hand up for the leadership of the Australian Labor Party this time around.