Media Releases

Liberals Hiding High-Income Tax Cuts for 23 Days and Counting
06 May 2019
It’s been 23 days since Mathias Cormann promised to come clean over whether the Liberals would give a $77 billion tax cut to the country’s highest income earners – and if not, exactly how much they’re getting.
Labor Will Crack Down on Loopholes For Multinationals
05 May 2019
A Shorten Labor Government will extend its comprehensive crackdown on multinationals not paying their fair share.
Labor Commits to Fuel Pipeline to Western Sydney Airport
01 May 2019
A Shorten Labor Government would invest $71 million to build a fuel pipeline to the new Western Sydney Airport to avoid the need for trucks to cart dozens of loads of aviation fuel through Sydney suburbs each day.
Morrison and McCormack's One Nation Deal Means More Chaos
27 April 2019
Scott Morrison and his partner-in-cuts Michael McCormack have done a secret deal with One Nation that will mean more LNP cuts and chaos in Canberra.
Morrison Must Come Clean on Secret One Nation Deal
24 April 2019
Now that nominations have closed and candidates in each seat finalised, Scott Morrison has run out of reasons to avoid a very simple question: will the LNP give its preferences to One Nation?
Federal Labor Would Conduct an Independent Inquiry Into Inland Rail
23 April 2019
A Shorten Labor Government would appoint an eminent Australian to conduct an independent, transparent inquiry into the integrity and efficacy of the route selection process and financing arrangements associated with delivery of the Inland Rail project.
Liberals Hit Another New Record Debt High
23 April 2019
The final release of government financial figures before the election shows the Liberals have blown out net debt to another new record high – well over double what they inherited.
LNP Senate candidate proposes another big tax handout for multinationals
22 April 2019
An LNP Senate Candidate for Queensland wants big businesses and the banks to receive a dramatically reduced 12 per cent corporate tax rate, which would mean even more unfair cuts.
Morrison Must Rule Out Any One Nation Deal
22 April 2019
New revelations have emerged today about racist slurs cast by another One Nation candidate in Queensland. It’s a further reason for Scott Morrison to make clear that no LNP candidate – in any seat in Queensland – will do a preference deal with One Nation.
Queensland Workers Stand to Lose Up to $370 in Penalty Rate Cuts this Easter Break
20 April 2019
Low paid Queensland workers in retail, fast food, hospitality and pharmacy could be up to $370 worse off this Easter, due to Scott Morrison’s penalty rate cuts.