Opinion Pieces

Resources the key to Queensland growth
13 January 2023
It’s no secret to any Queenslander that the resources sector has made a big contribution to our economy in recent decades – it’s helped to drive long‑term growth and created thousands of jobs for Queenslanders. Now, new Treasury analysis tells us that the resources sector has improved our state’s economic mobility as well.
A new agenda for growth in the 2020s
09 January 2023
For Australia to prosper and grow through the 2020s and beyond we need to learn the right lessons and draw the right conclusions from this year’s fortieth anniversary of the election of the Hawke‑Keating Government.
Resilience needed for challenging future
09 January 2023
As we head into 2023, we should be optimistic about the future of our economy and our country but realistic about the prospect of another global downturn and what that means for us in Australia.
Critical minerals - a chance to secure the future
25 November 2022
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has delivered a Russian‑made energy crisis the world over. But it’s also given the world a reminder in real‑time of the costs and consequences of over‑relying on a substantial supplier of a critical resource.
Affordable housing – a key priority
25 November 2022
Housing supply and affordability is one of the biggest challenges facing our economy and our communities.
With rents through the roof and vacancies through the floor, families are struggling to find an affordable place to live.
Bread-and-butter budget we just have to have
23 September 2022
Between now and handing down the budget in less than five weeks, I’ll have the opportunity to confer with my international counterparts in Washington on the deteriorating conditions we all face.
You Can’t Believe a Word Scott Morrison Says About the Economy
13 April 2022
First published in The Australian
When most Australians think about the economy, they think about how everything is going up except their pay, and they know interest rate rises are about to be part of the pain.
This Election is Your Chance to Strengthen Medicare
23 March 2022
First published in the Redland City Bulletin
As I move around our community, there’s one set of worries that get raised with me most – the skyrocketing costs of living.
Let's Make It Easier For Families To Make Ends Meet
10 March 2022
First published in the Beaudesert Times
On top of all the other price hikes, parents here in our community are being slugged by the second highest rise in child care costs in Queensland and the third highest rise in Australia.
A Flood Of Kindness
03 March 2022
First published in the Jimboomba Times
Through the deluge and the downpour, together we’ve experienced the very worst of Mother Nature and the very best of the Australian spirit.