Opinion Pieces

3D Printing: Not Yet a New Industrial Revolution, But its Impact Will Be Huge
11 December 2013
First published by The Guardian.
When music was a physical item – a vinyl record, a tape or a CD – ownership could be verified and quality could be assured. In the last decade, music progressively morphed into little more than a file which can be easily shared and edited. Now, the vast and rapid technological advances being catalysed by three dimensional printing could see this phenomenon repeated for a much wider range of products.
The Courage of Our Convictions: the Dollar Float 30 Years On
10 December 2013
Originally published by the Chifley Research Centre.
It is highly unusual for a former prime minister, especially a fairly reclusive one, to trek to Canberra during a parliamentary sitting week to address the caucus. There has to be a really good reason. And in this case, for Paul Keating, that reason is to mark the 30th anniversary of the Hawke-Keating Government’s nation-changing decision to float the dollar on 12 December 1983.
How to Make the G20 Matter Again
28 November 2013
Originally published on ABC's the Drum.
When Australia assumes the leadership of the G20 this Sunday, the world will be watching to see if the 2014 Brisbane leaders' summit will set the stage for genuine progress on global economic challenges or whether we will just be keeping the seat warm for the Turkish presidency in 2015, a bit like the Russians kept the seat warm for ours. If we are serious about grasping the opportunity, the best thing we can do is to harness the G20 to advance multilateralism in the trade arena.
Labor and the Tools of Success
20 November 2013
An extract from the Quarterly Essay's ‘Not Dead Yet: What Future for Labor’.
It wasn’t Labor’s core principles that saw us defeated in 2013, but fragmented constituencies and an internal culture tainted by the politics of polls and personality. The fact we were thrashed by a Liberal Party bereft of positive plans and unable to cost or properly explain its policies necessitates serious soul-searching.
Not Dead Yet - Response to Mark Latham's Quarterly Essay
30 October 2013
Originally published in the Quarterly Essay.
Election night on 7 September 2013 brought devastation for the federal parliamentary Labor Party and its supporters. It saw some very talented representatives defeated by a big national swing that put a full stop on the Rudd-Gillard era.
Labor Should Fight for Economic Mobility
11 October 2013
Originally published by the Chifley Research Centre
Two things will happen this Sunday in Australia. A new leader of the federal parliamentary Labor Party will be elected. And approximately eight hundred and fifty children will be born into families of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds.