Opinion Pieces

Hardworking Locals Deserve A Pay Rise
28 February 2022
First published in the Jimboomba Times
When was the last time you got a pay rise? It’s a simple question but the answer points to a problem that’s been holding back our community and economy long before the pandemic.
We Must Do Better For Older Australians
17 February 2022
First published in the Jimboomba Times
Like you, I’ve been worried sick about our vulnerable friends and neighbours who’ve been battling Queensland’s largest COVID outbreak, and the essential workers caring for them.
Can’t Afford To Let Complacency Cruel the Recovery - Again
24 January 2022
First published in The Australian Financial Review
The worst consumer confidence since 1992 and the supply chain crisis amid the shortage of RATs shows that mismanaging the pandemic is mismanaging the economy.
It's Not Just The Cost Of RATs That Has Soared
21 January 2022
First published by the Courier Mail
Australians have been there for each other throughout this pandemic and done their bit, but they need a Prime Minister who is there for them and does his job.
The Right Kind of Recovery: Renewal Not Rorts
22 December 2021
First published in The Australian
As the difficulties of 2021 become the possibilities of 2022, it couldn’t be a more important time to take stock and try to renew and unite around genuine reasons to be optimistic about the future.
More Certainty And Transparency For Clean Energy Investors
10 November 2021
First published in The Australian Financial Review
An underappreciated development from the Glasgow climate conference was the steps taken by our independent financial regulators towards providing more guidance on climate-related risks to our financial system and our economy.
We Don't Have To Choose Between Glasgow And Gladstone
13 October 2021
First published by The Courier Mail
After 46 visits to 24 regional cities and towns in Queensland over the past couple of years one thing is clearer to me than ever: they can be winners from economic change, not victims.
Butterfingers Frydenberg Drops The Ball Again
29 September 2021
First published by The Daily Telegraph
It says so much about the Morrison Government that Gucci and Louis Vuitton pocketed JobKeeper payments they didn’t need because their profits were going up, while working families and small businesses in Western Sydney go without.
No, Australia Has Not Peaked. Our Best Generation Is Here Now.
25 July 2021
This opinion piece co-authored by Andrew Charlton was first published by the The Guardian
When we started writing this piece, Brisbane was in lockdown. By the time we finished, Sydney, Victoria and South Australia were as well. Millions of Australians have already spent chunks of the last 18 months concerned for their jobs or their business, navigating the new world of remote learning and wearing the emotional strain of being cut off from the comfort of loved ones and familiar routines.
Thank You WA For All You Have Done To Keep Australia Going
16 July 2021
First published by the West Australian
This is a thank you note to the workers and industries of Western Australia. Because without you, Australia’s recession would have been worse and our recovery would be so much weaker.