Media Releases

Invested in Southeast Asia
06 October 2023
The Australian Government has today launched Invested: Australia's Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040 to deepen Australia's economic engagement with our region and ensure our shared future prosperity.
Appointment to the Future Fund Board
05 October 2023
The Albanese Government has appointed Mary Reemst to the Future Fund Board of Guardians for a five‑year term.
Making super concessions more sustainable
03 October 2023
The Albanese Government is today releasing draft legislation on the announced change to superannuation tax concessions to make the system fairer and more sustainable.
New legislation to promote more competition in financial markets
30 September 2023
The Albanese Government has today passed legislation to improve competition in the trading of shares and other securities as part of important reforms to strengthen Australia’s financial system and modernise our economy.
Working Future – White Paper on jobs and opportunities
25 September 2023
The Albanese Government today releases the Employment White Paper, Working Future – a roadmap to ensure more Australians can make the most of the big shifts underway in the economy and our society over the coming decades.
Turbocharging TAFE centres of excellence and accelerating apprenticeships
25 September 2023
The Albanese Government will equip more Australians with the skills of the future by turbocharging TAFE Centres of Excellence and accelerating the take up of higher and degree apprenticeships in the priority areas of net zero, care, and digitisation.
Boosting opportunity for Australia’s most disadvantaged through social enterprises
25 September 2023
The Albanese Government will work with the social enterprise sector to boost labour force participation and economic development in some of the nation’s most disadvantaged communities as a key outcome of the Employment White Paper.
Getting more Australians back into work
25 September 2023
The Albanese Government is improving incentives to get more Australians into work.
Strengthening Australian employment services
25 September 2023
The Albanese Labor Government’s Employment White Paper outlines eight principles to guide reforms to Australia’s employment services system, with a focus on better supporting people, while collaborating with employers and communities.